All you do financially should be in YOUR best interest.

The Why

While playing football for Lou Holtz at Arkansas, I learned you had to get the most out of everyone on the team. What motivated me to get into financial services in 1991 was a process that allowed me to help my clients to do that financially. Financial institutions provide products and services, but not necessarily a complete set of instructions on how to use those products/services most effectively. I can help you do more----with what you have and its growth by focusing on how to use products/services to YOUR maximum benefit.

“ I want to create sound economic strategies that allow my clients full benefits of their assets in all phases of their lives!”
-Dick Simpson

Richard Simpson

Financial Advisor

Kelly Booy

Marketing Consultant

The How

Process over product is our motto. No doubt this is true, but we do carry a full portfolio of services. We work with industry leaders in the insurance and investment sectors. When you combine trusted experience in the financial services industry with a proven, actuarial science, method you increase your odds for success.


A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. We are experts at making sure you are properly covered. While we only implement Life and Disability insurance coverage, we make sure all other aspects are addressed.


Having over 25 years in the investment world as an advisor and investor, I have found strategic portfolios that use for myself and clients. We also have a number of well established portfolios that we offer as well.

REtirement Income

This is the biggest opportunity for our clients and prospective client to benefit from my expertise. The reason will become apparent over the ten years as baby boomers start to retire with no RETIREMENT INCOME PLAN. Yes there is a big difference in having the Golden Egg but not having the BEST distribution plan.

We help people coordinate an online platform for complete Will and Trusts. It is easy, affordable, and very well done. Protect family, assets and your wishes in a very easy environment.

Craig North

Highly recommend working with Dick Simpson.   His firm, Simpson Wealth Partners, introduces an approach that organizes and manages your financial investments, insurance, and planning in a structured framework.   As a process driven person, I really appreciate the planning model and the visibility it provides.   While the process is extremely important, the commitment to building a relationship is more important.   You won’t meet or work with a finer person.

Scot Davis

Dick Simpson has been a terrific resource for Amy and I. He’s a real problem solver and has helped me to navigate some issues related to financial planning, insurance, etc.  With his help I started a 529 Plan for our kids, changed insurance (and added more coverage for the same amount) and explored other options to secure my retirement.   I know you have other options, but I wanted you to be aware that as a financial consultant, he works with clients to educate, organize and maximize their money and time.  

© Simpson Wealth Partners. All Rights Reserved

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Simpson Wealth Partners

40 Rahling Circle

Little Rock, AR 72223

Phone : (501) 951-0208

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Views expressed by Simpson Wealth Partners are theirs alone. This summary is for informational purposes only and shall not constitute advice and are not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell financial products. Advisory services are offered through Portfolio Medics.
Different type of investments involves varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific financial method will either by suitable or profitable for your portfolio. All financial strategies have the potential for profit or loss and past performance is not guarantee of future success. Economic factors, market conditions, and investment strategies will affect the performance of any portfolio and there is no assurances that it will match or outperform any particular benchmark. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance or profitability. The types of products or investments discussed also do not represent all the securities purchased, sold or recommended for clients. Stated information is derived from proprietary and non-proprietary sources that have not been verified for accuracy or completeness. While Simpson Wealth Partners believes this information to be correct and advantageous, we do not claim or have responsibility for its completeness, accuracy or reliability.

All reviews were unsolicited and the individuals were not compensated for their remarks.